Thursday, November 25, 2021

My Kindness animation

 Hey everyone,

 Yesterday I did this really cool stop motion animation about kindness. I did this with my friend George. You can check out his blog at: It was really fun and everyone had really different ideas. We did it with crayons and it turned out to be really cool.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My Maths Multiplication grid.

 Hi everyone,

 Today I am going to show you one of my weekly maths tasks. It is a multiplication grid that I had to fill   out. I am pretty sure I've got them right but they still need to be checked by my teacher.

 Blog ya later!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My Journal Entry

  Hey Readers!

 Welcome back to my blog! Today I am sharing my writing task which is a journal entry. I really enjoyed   this task because we were able to choose what we wrote about but we had to include responsibility and it   had to be something we had done recently. This was a fun task and I would like to do it again sometime. In   these slides are links to my actual writing so make sure you check them out.

 Blog ya later!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My reading

 Kia ora readers,

My reading task this week was to find out about different reading strategies and write a definetion for them. We also had to use two of those strategies and apply them too a book of our choice.

Here is my finished work. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

My Maths Maintenance Week 3 T4

Hi readers,

Yesterday I did some Maths work with my class. It was really helpful cause we all worked together to complete some of our tasks. This is the math I did. I think the decimals might be wrong but it is my first time doing them. If any of y'all know how to do them maybe you could explain to me?

Blog ya later!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My Tessellation slides

Kia ora fellow bloggers!

Today I am going to show you what I have learnt about Tessellations. If you look through these slides at the end you will see the tessellation I have made. It has been super fun creating, and learning about tessellations.

Hope you enjoy! : )

My Holidays

Kia ora Readers, 

Today I am going to tell you about what I did in my level 3 holidays. (This may turn into a recount).

Firstly, I found out that a horse called Ebony that I had known since I was seven but hadn't seen her in Four years was given to me and my aunty to share. She is very pretty but shes on a diet because she was left in a huge paddock for 3 years and got no excersise. She is very friendly and loves cuddles. I think she remembers me because I used to ride her and she runs up to me in the paddock. She can be quite naughty though because she has forgotten her training and has been allowed to get away with things in the past.

Secondly, Me and my cousin went out to their new property to help out with fencing. But then we wanted to cross this disgusting eel river filled with mud . I didn't want to put my feet in so my 15 year old cousin Tess piggybacked me across. But just when we were about to reach the other side it rose up to my cousins waist and she sumbled, plunging us both into the murky water! We were laughing so hard that we couldn't drag ourselves up the bank and we sunk into the mud. Finally when we emerged from the mucky water we were soaked to the skin and our clothes were sticking to us. Then we found the bridge and decided to take advantage of the situation and jumped off it into the deep water. We wished we had checked the water though as there was a few rocks that scratched our legs and our feet sank until the mud was up to our knees! Luckily we were alright but lets just say our parents were not happy AT ALL!.

And Lastly Here are some photos of Ebony.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

My first term 4 writing

 Hi everyone,

 Today I am going to show you my descriptive writing which i will be doing throughout the week. I have many different tasks and on here I will show you what i am supposed to get done by the end of the week and what i have done.

Hope you enjoy!

What I am supposed to get done

What I have done so far

Monday, September 27, 2021

What I did over the weekend.

 Ni hao readers,

 Today I am telling and showing you what I did on Friday Saturday and Sunday.

 What I did was, eat waffles and ice cream for breakfast,  ordererd pizza hut, Did online shopping, Helped my sister with her stenciling, played Monopoly (Which I won!) and went horse riding. Here are some pics.

My brothers hawaiin pizza.

                                               My cheese pizza.

                                                     My parents super supreme pizza.

                                                            The list of things we were gonna do.

                                                           My sisters stencil lantern.

                                                                More Pizza

                                                                    My breakfast :)

Monday, September 20, 2021

My writing tasks for this week

 Hey readers,
This is my writing task for this week. It is about carrying on and doing activities about a story.

I will be working on this throughout the week so if you come on to my blog a couple more times this week you I will post updated work on this doc. I really hope you like this!

By the way I will be posting a stop motion animation sometime this week or next week so stay updated!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My Pepeha Recording

 Kia ora readers,                                                                                                                                                   Today I am doing my pepeha for Maori language week and part of my task was to share it on my blog. You might remember that I have done a similar thing before but last time it was writing and this time it is a video. For those of you who don't know a pepeha is like a Maori way of intruducing yourselves and telling the other people a bit about you and your herratage. As you can hear mine isn't very long yet, but I will eventually lengthen it. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, September 13, 2021

My Karakia

 Shalom Guys,

 This is the karakia I had to learn today. It was quite fun but it took me a while to learn it.

  It is about saying thanks to the people who made the food. Like I say in the video I appoligise if I say the karakia wrong. 

Blog ya later!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Toys that come to life!

 Aloha readers,

Today I am showing you my writting about these toys that come to life. What we had to do was make up some soft toys who somehow came alive and describe their feelings, what they do and be very creative. This is a very fun activity to do and I totally recomend you try it if you want something to do.

Blog ya later :)

Minecraft education challenge

 Hola readers, 

Do you guys know about the minecraft education challenge? It is a challenge for us kids to do over lockdown if we are a bit bored. I haven't started mine yet but I have looked at this video link and it looks really interesting. BTW this is a screenshot.

                    Blog ya later!

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Maths Maintenence

Shalom Guys, Today I am going to show u my Maths Maintenence tasks. Maths Maintenence means we have already done that type of maths and now we are going to do it again to refresh our minds.
Anyway today I had to do a mixture of adition, multiplication and fractions.

Do you like maths?
Blog ya later :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Speech

 Hola readers,

Today I wanted to show you my speech because I really need some more ideas. My speech topic is animal cruelty and this is what i've done so far.

Monday, August 30, 2021

My horse riding ribbons, rossettes, trophys and more.

Hi awesome people,
Today I am not going to talk about my schoolwork because I really wanted to show you guys all my horse riding ribbons and trophys exectra. While I was setting them up for the photo it made me think about how and when I won them. Also if you want to find out more about them I will be posting sometime about all the ponies I have ridden and what we have done together. (Don't mind the broken trophy). Also Red and purple are first, Blue is second, Yellow is third and you can probably guess what green Is.

Blog ya later :) 🐴🐴🐴🐎🐎

Friday, August 27, 2021

My Memes

 Hello Awesome people,                                                                                                                                     Today My class Had a friyay and got to make our own memes.

 You may be wondering what A Friyay is and the answer to that is Its a fun friday. Anyway, I hope you like my memes.

         Blog ya later :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Add on activity for my lockdown maths

 Hey guys I am back with some more work revolving around yesterdays maths,                                       Hope you enjoy!

Today our maths activity was to show information about different graphs and answer some questions about our previous maths task (which you can see in another post on my blog).

Blog ya later!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Lockdown Maths

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to show you my maths for today. What we had to do was go onto maths is fun and create 2 different graphs about different data. The first one I did was a dot plot about how far room 13 can kick a ball and the second one I did was about how many people joined our google meets over the week. Lastly we made questions about our graphs.

Here are the slides of my work. I would also really appreciate it if you left me a comment about your answers to my questions or If you have a question about my graphs or want to let me know what I can do better. 

Blog ya later!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Lockdown learning

 Kia ora fellow bloggers,

Isn't It anoying that we are at level 4 again! Today I did this wonderful screencastify with my friends about wether goldilocks is guilty or not.

Monday, August 16, 2021

My Cybersmart lesson

 Hola, Today we had a cybersmart lesson with Mr. Margetts about quality blog commenting. We commented on some of your blogs to see who could write the most quality blog comments within half an hour. We also used this very helpful template with sentence starter for quality blog comments.

Blog ya later :)

Friday, August 13, 2021

My calander art

Hi guys, Recently I have been working on my calander art. We had to do a theme of collaboration and immediatley I thought of our school houses. My picture has circles of the other house colours with my houses colour and tree filling up the rest of it ( My house is Rata and the other houses are Kowhai, Kauri and Tortara). By the way if you can please leave a comment as I would like to know what you think of my art. 
Hope ya like it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

My writting

 Kia ora, 

I'm just doing a quick blog post about what I have been doing so far for writting this term. The Olympics have been happening recently so that was the main theme of our writting tasks also we have been doing picture prompts.

Monday, August 2, 2021

My pepeha

Hi fellow bloggers,
Today I am going to show you my pepeha:

Ko whau te awa

Ko owairaka te maunga 

Ko kirk toku papa 

Ko rebecca toku mama

Ko hussey toku whanau 

Ko Isla toku ingoa

Also feel welcome to leave comments as I like to know what I can do better :)

Friday, July 30, 2021

My first week of Term 3

Hi guys, I just came back to school after the school holidays like most of you and I wanted to tell you what I have been doing at school. This term in maths we are focusing on statistics and to start off with we did an activity where we went round in groups to different stations that each had a different task involving statistics and it was very fun. Then we moved on to our new math slides which I will show you on this post. For reading we are looking at stories and news articles about the olympics.

Blog ya later!


Monday, July 12, 2021

My Holidays

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to tell you what is planned for my holidays. Tomorrow and Wednesday I am going to a netball school holiday programme with my friends , on Thursday I am going to catch up with some different friends and On friday I am going to have a horse riding lesson with one of my pony club instructors. Next week we are going to catch up with family and go to rocket ropes on Friday and Saturday.


                                                            This is me and my pony Zara at pony club,

Friday, July 9, 2021

My end of Term Two review

Kia ora readers.

Today I am posting about what I have done this term. The first thing I am going to talk about is my maths. This term in maths we did measurement for the first half of the term and fractions for the other half. I found them both hard when I first started but once I gained more information about them I could understand a lot more. Now i'm going to tell you about our school Fales (houses). The houses names are Rata, Tortara, Kauri and Kowhai, I am a student leader in Rata and we are winning. Lastly I am going to tell you about what we are doing today. Today we are having a PJ, shared lunch and movie day with room 12 and room 11 as a reward for doing lots of work this term.

                                                                  This is me in my PJs.

                                                          These are our Fales.

                                    These are our maths slides for this term.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Digital Toolkit

 Kia ora, I am doing a quick post about my toolkit that I did today and for most of this week. Me and my friends Lucija and Hanaia took time this afternoon to show a group of people from around our school our toolkit. Our toolkit is about building a house in minecraft, hope you enjoy!☺

Friday, June 18, 2021

Fun with Fractions

Kia ora, I have been learning about fractions using a fun site.  At the moment we are learning about how we can make a fraction the same using different fractions. We have also been learning about fraction words like numerater and denominator.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Blog post

Hello readers, Recently I've been learning about making a blog post and what personal information to share.

The information you shouldn't share is your full name, your email, your phone number, your address and your birth date. The information you can share is your first name, your hobbies and interests, your goals and your family.