Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My Holidays

Kia ora Readers, 

Today I am going to tell you about what I did in my level 3 holidays. (This may turn into a recount).

Firstly, I found out that a horse called Ebony that I had known since I was seven but hadn't seen her in Four years was given to me and my aunty to share. She is very pretty but shes on a diet because she was left in a huge paddock for 3 years and got no excersise. She is very friendly and loves cuddles. I think she remembers me because I used to ride her and she runs up to me in the paddock. She can be quite naughty though because she has forgotten her training and has been allowed to get away with things in the past.

Secondly, Me and my cousin went out to their new property to help out with fencing. But then we wanted to cross this disgusting eel river filled with mud . I didn't want to put my feet in so my 15 year old cousin Tess piggybacked me across. But just when we were about to reach the other side it rose up to my cousins waist and she sumbled, plunging us both into the murky water! We were laughing so hard that we couldn't drag ourselves up the bank and we sunk into the mud. Finally when we emerged from the mucky water we were soaked to the skin and our clothes were sticking to us. Then we found the bridge and decided to take advantage of the situation and jumped off it into the deep water. We wished we had checked the water though as there was a few rocks that scratched our legs and our feet sank until the mud was up to our knees! Luckily we were alright but lets just say our parents were not happy AT ALL!.

And Lastly Here are some photos of Ebony.


  1. Those photos that you took are really cute , you are so lucky to be able to ride so many different horses this reminds me of when me and my family go to the south island in the christmas holidays and visit our grandad and our coisions at their farm where they have heaps of horses . bye !

  2. Kia ora Isla,I like the way you described your blog with interesting words.My favourite part was when you and your cousin tess was crossing that river thing.Nice story isla.

  3. Wow Isla that sounds like a good holiday I like how you explained what you did in detail keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Isla,
    Amazing work it sounds like you're having heaps of fun.
    You're very lucky you get to go horse riding I never got to go on a horse.
    Whats you're horses name.

    1. Hi Maimuna,
      Thanks for your considerate comment - My horses name is Ebony.


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