Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Lockdown Maths

 Hi Guys,

Today I am going to show you my maths for today. What we had to do was go onto maths is fun and create 2 different graphs about different data. The first one I did was a dot plot about how far room 13 can kick a ball and the second one I did was about how many people joined our google meets over the week. Lastly we made questions about our graphs.

Here are the slides of my work. I would also really appreciate it if you left me a comment about your answers to my questions or If you have a question about my graphs or want to let me know what I can do better. 

Blog ya later!


  1. Hi lsla,
    I like how you did two graphs and how there are different graphs. Your really good at maths, maybe post more in lockdown.

  2. Hi Lucija Thank you for your comment, I will try to post more in lockdown.
    Have a nice day :)


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